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Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Into Wellness


Thank you for checking us out again. 

As the Equinox got closer this year I realized that it would be a really good time to start this blog and have a cycle to follow and that is funny because that is right where we have to start to become aware of and learn to maintain our Bio Energetic system. 
You see, your Bio Energetic system is connected to every other thing  in the universe.  It flows through you yet keeps you energetically connected in so many ways.  We have all heard of the biological clock, but the fact is we have many rhythms and cycles that are all part of our whole being.   When these cycles are out of sync they affect us on a holistic level.  Our bodies may show the symptoms of stress, our minds feel depressed and static and our spirits are not in harmony at all.
Spring is the time of renewal and rebirth and offers us an opportunity, no matter where we are, to restart and to reconnect with the greatest healing tool in the universe.   Whatever or whoever that is to you, that highest vibration you have ever experienced, and though you may have forgotten that vibration or that experience, I promise you your Bio Energetic system and you spirit have not, that is a current of energy so pure and perfect that anything can come from it.  That is where we need to be to bring our own innate cycles back on line. 
People have practiced meditation and mind / body exercises for years to be able to get to that place, but I have come to realize that so many are too static from too much all the time and could not do that.  Their minds would not allow it.  But even some of those people are feeling the shift in humanity and would benefit greatly from the kind of cosmic alignment I am referring to. 
So, I am going to share a vital piece of information with you that you have the power to use and understand.  What you do with it is on you, but I think it is important enough that every human should learn it, use it and teach their children and that is why I am telling you. 
Out in this vast universe, things are moving and aligning and a cycle so ancient it is unfathomable is playing out.  This cycle and movement and alignment of the universe is what allows it to be spring today.  Now, if the moon can move every drop of water on earth, and we, until death are at least 75% water, how can it not effect us?  And how are all of those other movements and alignments effecting us?.  Have you been feeling achey? Cranky? mad? Not yourself? I have clients complaining of all those things and more, but I can see their bodies and their bio energetic systems adjusting to incoming frequencies.  In a few days the turbulance will settle and they will feel good again.  Just like you. 
It turns out that this is actually a good thing.  It gives us a focus.  Causes us to feel our connection to everything if we choose. And if we choose, we can use the spring equinox and its energy as a tool to reset ourselves.  To reconnect ourselves to this ancient cycle, because we are meant to be anyway.
The spring equinox is like a door to that energy current that can feed you, replenish you and  reset you.  Changes in you will continue to happen, as energy flows are corrected throughout your bio energetic system, your physical body will definitely notice and let you know that it is noticing.  Supporting your decision to go through that door with nutrition and whatever else your body is asking for,  is going to help you align and self correct much faster .Chances are you will come to realize that you need a little help in the way of a Naturopath or bio energetic body worker or chiropractor or acupuncturist.  By choosing to go through that door your are agreeing to open your mind to vast amounts of information and human memory and possibilities you may never have imagined.  By choosing to go through that door, you are taking responsibility for your whole self and choosing to reconnect all the parts of your being so that you can be well.  I guess the spring equinox is like a door to awareness and that awareness will determine whether you evolve into the glorious beings we are or mutate into everything that the news tells you that you are. 
Okay, so how do you do it?  How do you walk through that door and reset and reconnect?  You see it.  I know, you don’t believe it could be that simple and that you read this whole blog only to realize I was nuts.  Whatever.  If you need mathematical proof that creation only takes perception you could always visit Alford at http://www.thehealingattribute.com/ and see what he says.  If on the other hand, you feel an unusual sensation somewhere in your whole self or have some other nudging, you may just want to try connecting with God and see what happens.  This is what I call “feeling the truth” of someone or something and this is your bio energetic system at work.  Awareness of this system will change your life as you will see that there is NOTHING that comes from beyond you.  High frequency or low, it is you and if you don’t like it you can transform it.
I am going to see you all choosing to evolve into your power, feeling good and well.
Through out this spring I will tell you how being in this universal flow of energy helps every aspect of your life and how to tap into high frequencies to heal and transform your minds, bodies and spirits and maintain your bio energetic system.
 I want to share with you my experience today at the Spring Equinox blessing celebration at healing waters wellness center. It was a beautiful, perfect spring day and  The Reverend Randy Barnes, with The International New Thought Alliance led us in a crystal grid laying ceremony.  This is intended to help us focus our energy on all the projects coming up with the wellness center and the whole spa  while feeling protected and supported and instantly we could feel a subtle change, just an ease.  We mapped the grid and Randy explained the importance of each direction so that we have a picture in our heads.  Just then a light breeze started blowing from a direction unusual for Pagosa Springs this time of year.  It started blowing a little more and Randy said that we had just invited the angels and they were arriving and that it was not unusual for this to happen at ceremony.  I then remembered every ceremony I ever did with Randy through Naturopath school had that wind.  Then Randy told us that this wind was coming from the direction that indicated abundance in all things.  With each miracle, our frequency grew to that of perfect light and we felt that current of energy that feeds and sustains us.  That was where we needed to be to accomplish our creation.  See, you will learn that that door can be used in so many ways.    A priceless tool.  So, anyway, when the alignment is that perfect, that in the flow of the universe,  when you are that connected with all there is, it is all good.  And when it is all good, it is all good. 
In on that wind blew blessings.  Sometimes we have to wait before we can see the true blessing in anything, but sometimes not and today was a not.  In on this wind, in the energy of the spring equinox blew opportunities. 
I am going on a multi purpose trip for a while.  I will first be going to Farmington, NM to take care of my grandsons while there mommy is giving birth to their new sister.   I will be working with several Naturopaths and therapists and healers in the area and will spreading the concepts we have been developing at healing waters wellness center.  I will be writing from different locations,  as I have some consultation work through out the area.  I will be keeping my eyes open for what you are looking for and for truths and concepts that will help us on our evolutionary journey.  I imagine that I will meet many people who will become part of our wellness, education, conference and retreat centers.  I believe if I just stay in that flow I will attract all people and situations that will prove to be blessings of the blessing.  I will every couple of weeks be back in Pagosa to see clients I am working with and new clients coming in.  I will keep a schedule posted. 
One last thing before I post.  Many are getting caught in a fear dynamic over the situation in Japan.  There are reports of people buying massive amounts of iodine and other supplements.  These, like any chemical or pharmaceutical product should ever be taken without knowing the truth about it.  Randy and Susan Barnes at the Medicine Wheel, a school of holistic therapies in New Mexico, are offering holistic, truthful information on ways of supporting yourself in a radioactive situation.  You can call them for information on the subject at 505-327-1914.
Thank you so much.  We will connect again soon.  With love and light,  Amber

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