Welcome to our Tools for Life

Our blog is an area where we can share our ideas and thoughts with our readers. Interaction is encouraged so that we can have good discussion and areas of interest can be clarified. We thank all of you who participate with us on this exciting journey!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Julee's burn update!

Here's an update on the burn I had on my neck!  In case you missed the first blog, here is the link Fast Acting, Natural First-Aid for Burns.   The first picture is day 7 after the initial burn.  The second picture is day 14.  It has healed really quickly considering  how deep it was.  After a few days, I made up a different salve that just had olive oil, Comfrey,Calendula, and  St. Johns Wort. I used that to keep it from drying out too much.
One week
Two weeks

I know, to some of you, making my own products may seem like a lot of work, when one can just go to the store and buy one of the many ready made products already available.   You may ask yourself, why does she go to all the trouble?  So, to answer that, I will say that I have spent a lot of years coming to this place.  I have read many ingredient labels, that contained these long words that were unfamiliar to me.  I asked myself... if I can't pronounce it, and have no idea what these things are, do I really want to be putting them on my skin?  If  these things can be absorbed into my system through my skin, do I really want to put something on my skin that I would feel uncomfortable putting in my mouth?  My answer to both of those questions is NO!  Hence, the journey began, developing my own deodorant, lotions, salves, etc.

Is it obvious to you yet, how passionate I am about this stuff?  If you are interested in incorporating natural products into you own life, you can do it!  If you need some support, and direction, we would love to chat with you.  Call our front desk for Wellness Center hours.  Amber and I would be happy to help.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Julee - I can't believe that you can barely even tell that you had burned your neck! I remember what it looked like the day you did it. AMAZING!
