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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Holistic Spring Cleanse Utilizing HCG & Its Fat-Blasting Qualities

In May 2010, I lost 53 pounds using the HCG homeopathic drops and diet plan. Over time several pounds crept back on and my pants got tighter. I decided to take a step back and reevaluate the program. I realized that just doing the HCG protocol, while effective for the weight loss, did not address the bio energetics or emotional aspects of weight loss. It is my experience that eating and weight loss, are tied very directly to our emotions many of which have not been processed and are blocking our natural energy flows. 
During this time I developed the HCG Fat-Blasting Cleanse program. Using this new model, this spring I decided to try it out! I customized my plan to start with the HCG drops for 10 days then I switched to a 72 hour fast and am now back on the HCG drops for the last two weeks of this phase. (Okay, don't get scared, the fast is something unique that I do a variation of every year in the spring - not something that we would regularly incorporate into the HCG protocol!) Already I am down a pant size. I am feeling the effects of my detox, feeling good and clear-minded. I have been receiving regular body work, chiropractic treatments and am practicing Qi Gong. I use all of these wellness tools to help manage my bio energetic system.

 If you have been struggling with weight loss and/or maintenance, consider that there is more to weight loss than just the diet you're on. We customize our program to each individual including bio energetic body work and vibrational therapies to help you achieve your weight loss and wellness goals. The bio energetics and vibrational therapies are key to this process as they address the energy released from the fat cells after the fat is lost, better ensuring a complete pattern change and your success in maintaining your weight. Until you are able to address, holistically, the habits and patterns involved in your weight gain, those habits and patterns are still in place.

Stay in touch, I'll post again in a couple of weeks and let you know how my process is going!

Love & Light,

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