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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Banking on an Energy Invesment

Have you wondered lately where your energy is going? 
  • Do you find yourself absolutely spent by the end of the day? 
  • Where are you investing your energy? (Yes it is an investment!)
  • Are you investing it in drama, misery, dysfunctional relationships? 
  • Spending energy is like spending money - what are you getting for the purchase? 
  • Do you realize that you can choose where to invest your energy and where not to?  

Many times we are not consciously choosing to spend that energy, but we are simply leaking it out because that is what we know and have known - bad habits. Becoming aware that this is an actual system of the human body is the first step. 

Here's an experiment that you can do ... Next time you are facing a situation that you know will result in an undesirable interaction ... choose  to put your energy into it differently. Choose not to react but instead take a breath and take the time you need to formulate a response and decide how much of your energy to invest in the situation at all. Sounds simple, right? It's not quite as easy as it sounds, but by choosing to put some thought into where your energy is going and how it is going out you will find yourself not so exhausted at the end of the day. Once you start this practice, don't give up on it, it will take some time to get used to doing it.

Qi Gong and meditation are two lifestyle tools that can help you manage your bio-energetic system. Watch for more information on our Qi Gong and meditation groups - forming now, starting soon! 

Love & Light,

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