Welcome to our Tools for Life

Our blog is an area where we can share our ideas and thoughts with our readers. Interaction is encouraged so that we can have good discussion and areas of interest can be clarified. We thank all of you who participate with us on this exciting journey!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Your Energery, Your Change, Your Choice

Have you ever heard this before... 
"Be the change you want to see"?

What do you think it means?

I've heard people say it before, people who seemed to want to make a difference in this world. People who seemed to be ready to initiate the change, but what I witnessed was these same people pushing other people to change. It really seems to me that "Be the change you want to see" actually means, exactly what it says ... you make the change you think everyone else needs to be making. You do it first and you keep doing it. It's more of a lead by example type of a phrase, whether anyone else makes the change or not.

Choosing to invest your energy into the change you believe in is an intention of balance for yourself. My teacher once told me that the wrong man can do the right thing but it would still be wrong because his intention was wrong but the right man can do the wrong thing and it would still be the right thing because his intention was right. Intention is a powerful, powerful tool but it still needs balance. Own your own intention do not project it on others.

If your intention is to eat healthier, don't jump on the bandwagon about how everyone else should eat healthier, use that energy on yourself and make your own changes in your own life to incorporate better food choices.

An example of an intentional change we are initiating is to grow some of our own food and herbs. Our goal is to become more self sustaining, to become a more intentional property. We already make our own herbal tinctures, now we can begin making them from our very own plants. This is the change we want to see for us!

Do you have change you want to see? 
Then be it ... be the change you want to see, and let us know how it's going!

Love & Light,

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Finding the Right Massage Therapist

As a massage therapist I know the importance of "practicing what I preach". Fortunately I'm in the right place, a place where there are amazing bodywork therapists. I have had massage treatments from many different therapists, in many different places and have come to realize how talented, gifted and knowledgeable our therapists right here at Healing Waters Resort are. Each therapist has his/her own techniques and specialties, but each one also has a way of understanding a person's body and what is going on with it that often surprises even our long-time clients.

Julee Woodhall - massage genius!
On Mother's Day, I had a massage with one of my favorite massage therapists, Julee Woodhall - absolute genius. Julee is gifted, knowledgeable, intuitive, kind and accepting. It is so important to get on a table where you do not feel judged, but instead you feel safe and cared for while receiving your treatment. The thing I like most about Julee's work is that I can completely trust that she is doing exactly what I need. There have been times in the past with other therapists when I have had to kind of micromanage what the therapist is doing to actually have the treatment be effective for me. That is never a comfortable or relaxing experience and with Julee I never have that concern. Julee customizes her vast knowledge and years of experience to me specifically during my treatment as she does with each client.

In your search for a massage therapist it is important to find someone who really makes you feel comfortable, cared for and confident in the work that you are receiving. Yes, massage is relaxing and it should be, but there is so much more to a really good massage than relaxation. It is a tool for life, something that you can use to manage your wellness on a regular basis. 

Thank you Julee!
Hmm, let's see which therapist I can catch for a massage before the next blog ;) 

Love & Light,

Monday, May 14, 2012


    “Who farted?” Like a brick to the head, it was the smell that first hit the Smith family as they drove into the picturesque mountain town of Pagosa Springs, their windows up, air conditioner on, accusing one another of the offense, chocking on the toxic indiscretion. They rolled down their windows in desperate pursuit of fresh air, nostril inhaling, finding no relief.   
     “Goodness, I do believe the smell is coming from the town,” said the mother, her brow furrowed, shaking her head as she added, “and such a pretty town, too.”
     The father snorted. “This is going to be one stinking vacation.”
     “I’m going to barf,” cried eight-year-old Jimmy from the backseat, dripping with dramatics.
     “Hold your breath, son,” suggested the father.
     “Um, Dad, he’s turning blue,” said the daughter.
     Checking in to the Healing Waters Resort and Spa, they were told of the sulfur in the water, a contributing factor to the smell, an acquired smell, but they would get used to it.      
     “The more it stinks, the better you feel,” sang the big Kahuna, our charming and comical desk clerk and entertainment director, strumming his ukulele.
     Indeed, it proved to be true. The Smith family spent the entire weekend soaking in our  healing pool, basking in its heated waters, their circulatory systems stimulated, their immune systems improved, feeling alive with ecstasy, limber, relaxed, strong in mind and spirit—a peg firmly planted to their nostrils for the duration of their stay, provided by housekeeping at no extra cost.
     Here at the Healing Waters, we aim to please: no request is too outrageous. 
Teena A. Roemer 
Healing Waters Wellness Center, LMT/CMT


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Outdoor Spring Projects Create an Inviting Space

We love spring! It brings a new energy and a new excitement that makes us want to move forward. And, we are ready to move forward ... we've been dreaming up some great projects all winter long and now it's time to get our hands in the dirt and get started! Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

We have discovered the art of palleting ... we have been gathering used pallets and are in the process of creating some planters, herb gardens, pallet gardens, recycle bins and furniture to give our space some added character. We are doing this so we can practice what we preach when it comes to Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. We are using used tires and used pallets to create herb gardens with the intention of using our own herbs in our Simply Herbs herbal tincture line. Not only are we creating more aesthetically pleasing grounds but also we are creating a more sustainable space that fits better with who we are.

Pictures will be posted as we move further along in our adventure, plus we'd love to see what you're doing in your own Reuse, Reduce, Recycle adventure. Like us on Facebook and share ideas and pictures of what you're doing - we'd love to hear your suggestions!

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Kanaka, Julee & Amber

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Blessings of a Toothache?

Image courtesy of computerclipart.com
Toothache .... 
just the word makes you cringe, right? It did me too.  I knew it was coming, I had that little twinge giving me advance warning for about two weeks. And then it hit ... the pounding, actually waking me up. I immediately got up and applied some oregano oil directly on the tooth and went back to bed. The oregano oil worked, but at its best would last only about half an hour at a time and then I'd have to apply more of the oil. It was a mostly sleepless night. The next day I added garlic to the regimen to help bring down any infection. I continued with the oregano oil and kept watch on the various symptoms as they arose, by day four the whole right side of my face hurt and I could feel the swollen glands. I finally made a call to the dentist. Sure enough the tooth needed to come out.

My initial consultation with a local dentist ended in an office fee just for a refferal to an out of town dentist to actually do the work. Leaving the office very frustrated and still in pain I walked into Pagosa Dental and they were able to get me in and taken care of that very day.  In the end I ended up with a tooth extraction, not a root canal and a very traumatized mouth that I am still treating.

It is my goal in all of my health issues to treat myself holistically. This tooth issue has been an interesting experience for me. I am still treating the pain with various natural and emotional modalities. I can't say at this time that I have figured out my body's exact balance with these treatments and I have resorted a few times to Ibuprofen. I struggle with this decision, because I know there is a holistic reason for the continuing pain.

Here are some of the things that I have tried, some of the things that I am looking into trying and some of the things that have been suggested for me to try - yes, I do feel a bit like a guinea pig, but I look forward to finding holistic answers that can help everyone.
  • Different essential oils: oregano, tea tree, clove, thieves oil, winter green oil
  • Herbs: White willow and lobelia for pain, white oak for tightening the gums, echinacea for the numbing effect, garlic and golden seal for infection. (You can take a clove of garlic, cut it in half and place it on the gum, just at the base of the tooth, to help draw out infection. It may burn the gum a little, but if you rub olive oil on the gum first, it will ease that.)
  • Energy Boost 70, an ancient plant mass that is an awesome source of minerals
  • Oil pulling  - an ayurvedic technique for oral health
  • I am going to be trying an ultrasound vibrational therapy. Current research states that this can help in the regeneration of tooth material. Between you and me, I'm going to try and regrow my tooth! I'll keep you informed of the progress!
I would love to hear what you have tried. What has worked and what has not worked? 

'til next time,
(with a little help from Kanaka)